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Load profiles for hotels
For the planning of districts, the correct estimation of demand profiles is crucial. To properly account for seasonal and daily variations, annual profiles with hourly resolution are recommended.
Normalized demand profiles
In nPro, normalized demand profiles are used as the basis for creating annual profiles. In nPro, profiles for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays are distinguished. The normalized profiles for the building type hotels are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Load profiles for hotels
Normalized demand profiles for energy demands
On the following pages you will find the normalized demand profiles for the six energy demands available in nPro:
- Space heating demand
- Domestic hot water demand
- Space cooling demand
- Process cooling demand
- Plug load demand
- Electricity demand for e-mobility
In the nPro tool, annual demand profiles for space heat,
domestic hot water, space cooling, plug loads, and e-mobility can be created for a variety of building types.
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