Planning tool for buildings & districts

News about nPro

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May 2024 130 companies have purchased user licenses for nPro software.
March 2024 2.000 users have registered for the nPro software.
Fall 2023 Release of Version 2.0
September 2023 1.000 users from more than 35 countries have registered for the nPro software.
April 2023 500 users from more than 25 countries have registered for the nPro software.
April 2023 New article in the scientific journal Energy: nPro: A web-based planning tool for designing district energy systems and thermal networks
March 2023 Start of the research project "Plan4Heat" funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. The research project contributes to the development of state-of-the-art simulation approaches for district energy systems and thermal networks, with the perspective of integrating them into the nPro software.
December 2022 Marco Wirtz presents nPro at the Siemens RIE Conference 2023 at RWTH Aachen University.
November 2022 150 users from 18 countries have registered for the nPro software.
November 2022 nPro wins the Spin-Off Award 2023 from RWTH Aachen University.
September 2022 Scientific article for the Energy & Climate Protection Foundation: Kalte Nahwärme - Eine Schlüsseltechnologie für die Wärmewende?
October 2022 Release of Version 1.1
July 2022 The first version of the nPro software (Version 1.0) goes online!

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nPro software

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